::: 2022 Meet Taipei 臺北新創館 11/17-11/19 – Startup@Taipei創業台北

2022 Meet Taipei 臺北新創館 11/17-11/19title


日期:11月17-19日 09:00-17:00   Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 17-19
地點:圓山花博爭艷館 Taipei Expo Dome(臺北市中山區玉門街1號)

臺北市政府產業發展局自104年起成立「StartUP@Taipei創業服務辦公室」,為新創團隊提供集結輔導諮詢與資源轉介的一站式服務。為協助國內新創與國際接軌,特於臺北市產業局與數位時代共同舉辦的「2022 Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華」中設置「臺北新創館」展區,宣達臺北市創業服務辦公室的服務成果。在積極整合產官學資源的同時,邀請臺北市潛力新創輔導團隊、臺北市產業獎勵補助計畫、臺北市融資貸款以及學界育成中心推薦之育成團隊共襄盛舉,40組優質新創將分為智慧生活、創新服務、生技醫療、科技應用等領域,透過現場展示與影片輪播等方式,完整呈現新創潛在能量與成果。參與者能實際體驗新創企業的產品、服務,與新創團隊進行更多的交流互動。

"StartUP@Taipei" was established in 2015 by Taipei City Government and is committed to offering a one-stop service with consulting services and business matchmaking. To assist local start-ups in connecting with international markets, Taipei City Government holds the "2022 Meet Taipei Startup festival." Selected from "Taipei Entrepreneur Training Program", "Project of Subsidies & Incentives for Taipei Industry "," Project of Financing & Loan in Taipei", and innovation & incubation centers of universities. The 40 start-up teams would be divided into four domains: Smart living, Innovate service, Health & Biotechnology Medical, and Technology Application. Through demonstrations, start-ups can fully promote their potential energy and achievement. Participants can experience various projects and services, having more interaction with start-up teams.

